Sunday, May 6, 2012


I cannot believe it is already the end of the semester. As I sit in my dorm, I hear the telltale screams, scuffles, and sounds of many things hitting the ground that signify that it packing time. All of us buzz from one place to another to find just one more container so we can finish packing. As exams end for the day, many take congratulatory shots before getting ready to head home in the morning, wherever that may be. As I pack up my things, which have seemed to multiply since the start of the semester, I cannot help but wonder how our garden shall fare until we are all back in Bethlehem. Also I cannot help but feel envious of our plants’ residence. They never have the urgent need to pack up and leave, only to return again after two months. They gather what they need from the soil that beds them, and from the sunlight that filters down from far, far above. They have no need for material objects, unlike us humans who surround ourselves with giant piles of ‘stuff’. They are content in the environment around them. Even though I worry about these tiny, ‘helpless’ babies, I know I am simply worrying too much. These seeds, and plants have proved that they are survivors. On many occasions I have been awed by their warrior-like strength and knightly courage against the trials of nature and human stupidity. I cannot wait to see the drastic change once I return in July. Our sunflowers shall stand sentinel over bed five, protecting our beets, string beans, kale, chard, and carrots. All of who signal their presence with long flags of green, as they stay burrowed in the dark rich soil. I shall be perpetually shocked as our carrots grow and reveal their purple skin once removed from the ground. As my gaze shall wander to bed seven, I shall be greeted by several bunches of tomatoes, one of which the infamous Purple People Eater (perhaps we shall have to cautious of that one after we start harvesting our purple carrots). Marigolds shall brighten up the plot with their fiery visage, as our slender basil finds cover in that radiant wave of molten gold. Too say the least, this garden has me ready to start the next chapter of my life as it shall constantly grow and always provide. 

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