When I realized that this group project was to become a viable option I
was more than pumped. It seemed like such a simple endeavor, especially when
sitting in Drown 102A surrounded by my classmates. I thought that nothing could
go wrong considering they were to be about ten of us working together on these
two plots (Also Sara and Will know how to garden! This fact alone buoyed my
spirits). Personally, I am comforted by the fact that if I ever have a question
or problem I can turn to anyone in my group and work together towards a
solution. It seems like such an adventure when trekking down to Carlton to meet
with my peers to do a little gardening.
On the other hand, it seems a little odd that we have a crew of ten for
two very small plots of land. Sometimes I feel downright confused to how this
turn of events came about, since we were originally meant to write a ten-page
research paper. It seems odd to throw a bunch of people together, who for the
most part do not know what they are doing, and have them coordinate to plant
seeds. I think the part that really throws me for a loop is that the group must
obviously approve every decision regarding the garden. I feel this is odd just
because we usually head down alone for some reflection and small touch ups due
to the lack of actual weeding and other jobs that accompany germination. However,
I cannot say that I would have this any other way.
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